25 Days of Fitmas

With Christmas just around the corner and many of us in some form of lockdown situation due to Covid-19; I wanted to offer a challenge that anyone can take part in.

Introducing the 25 days of Fitmas Challenge!

  • Challenge starts 1st December until Christmas Day (25 days)
  • Each day you will have a 25 minute HIIT workout to complete in your own time, in your own home (or wherever you choose)
  • Use the #25daysoffitmas in your social media posts and stories to engage with the community
  • You don’t need any fancy equipment or access to a gym you can do this at home with no/little equipment & some household items

Keep your exercise regime on track, or start a new fitness habit, during December with fun workouts that only take 25mins of your day.

It’s been a tough year for everyone with the world in turmoil and it has certainly been a struggle for all of us to stay committed to a regular exercise routine due to local regulations & restrictions and for many a lack of motivation to keep going.  A fun and engaging challenge might be just the right tonic for those December days.

For the cost of a few takeaway Starbuck’s lattes you will find a new way to invigorate your day!  The total cost is only £50 (international payments accepted in any currency) which works out to only £2 a workout.  Your fitness is worth that small investment.  Send me an email to runningdutchie@hotmail.com to sign up today!


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